Normal view mode is faster then page view mode, especially if you are far down in the doc.

Therefore it only works on selected text. Something about accessing the style info of individual characters takes Word a long time. If there’s a better way of doing this please let me know.

The Advanced Track Changes Options dialog box. Word displays the Advanced Track Changes Options dialog box. Word displays the Track Changes Options dialog box. Click the small icon at the lower-right corner of the Tracking group.If you are using Word 2013 or a later version, follow these steps instead: Click the down-arrow under the Track Changes tool (in the Tracking group) and then click Change Tracking Options.Follow these steps if you are using Word 2007 or Word 2010: If you find yourself getting rid of the formatting changes quite a bit, you can instruct Word to not track formatting changes at all. Use the Show Markup tool to select which changes you want Word to show.(Don't select Accept All Changes in Document that would accept all the changes whether they are shown or not.) All the formatting changes (which is all that are shown) are accepted. Word displays some different ways you can accept changes. Click the down-arrow under the Accept tool (in the Changes group).(You will need to repeat step 2 for each checkmark you need to remove.) Clear all the checkmarks, except the Formatting checkmark.Word displays some options that control what changes are shown. Click the Show Markup tool (in the Tracking group).Make sure the Review tab of the ribbon is displayed.It is relatively easy to accomplish this task. She is curious if there is an "accept all" command that will accept only the formatting changes. Graciela would like to accept all the formatting changes but not the other types of changes. Some of these changes are formatting changes and some of them are of other types, such as textual edits. Graciela has a huge document with many changes that were made with Track Changes turned on.